I'm experiencing a different kind of freedom, and I'm not sure I like it. I'm all about "God Bless America" and very thankful for the blessings that come from living where we do. The freedom I'm talking about is not having a toddler around! Goose is visiting my parents while my brother's family is there, and I miss her so much already. As I was finishing up my grocery shopping yesterday, I kept feeling like I was missing something - it was not having a diaper bag slipping off my shoulder as I kept an eye on a darting two-year-old. I'm a bit worried that once I get her back, I'll do something like leave her in the car because I'll be out of practice! Good thing she's too vocal to let that happen.
Anybody notice I *really* forgot to do a garden update this week? (Eek, I've missed TWO weeks!) I thought about getting a pic on both Sunday and Monday, but didn't get it done while it was still light out, then I did a lot of running around to get Goose ready to go. I'm thinking for next week, I'll do more of a row-by-row update - some stuff is getting pretty tall!
We are hoping to catch a couple of baseball games this weekend, one minor league game and one . . . even more minor than that, but still professional ball. :>) Ever since my big brother took the field, I've loved the game. Hubs and I have joked that if we ever have a son, we'll nickname him "Javy" - which is short for Javier and sounds like a good baseball player's name (i.e. Javy Lopez who used to play for the Braves).
I have given up cold cereal for breakfast. Whoo! Now I just need to start planning so I can do better than just oatmeal every day. And I need to start getting up earlier to ride my bike before Goose gets up. We've been doing some walking over to the farm (per my mid-year resolutions but have found that the farm dog follows us home. I've been able to get her in the garage each time, but it is a hassle and if she gets over to the highway and gets hit, I'll feel terrible.
One of my cousins is getting married this summer, and we won't be able to attend her wedding shower. A while back, I read a post on Like Merchant Ships about mailing a prettily wrapped package. So, I wrapped the gift in white paper, tied on a wedding-y ribbon bow, and wrapped the whole thing in cellophane. I'd show you a pic but Blogger is *not cooperating*. I made sure to leave a spot not fully taped so she could get a finger in there to start unwrapping and I noted "OPEN HERE" with a sharpie. Hopefully she got a kick out of it!
For those of you still reading :>) could you please say a quick prayer for a few special intentions I have right now? One is something that I need to do - that I know God wants me to do - but the doors aren't readily opening for me to do it. I know that if I persevere, God's grace will be extremely abundant, but in my human-ness, it's so much easier to just sit back and wait.
I'm stuck on six things, so for my 7th, I'd love to share with you a few things I've blogged about this week. One is Prayerful Beads, where I purchased some beautiful rosaries for a very good price, another is how I successfully cooked a frozen casserole on the grill, and finally, how I organized my ribbon scraps for my little craft projects, especially taggie blankets and burp cloths.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary.
What a neat idea for packaging a wedding present! I love Meredith (her blog and in real life--she's a neighbor!).
PS I am so clicking over to see the casserole on the grill! That is one I have never heard.
Wow, I bet you are getting all sorts of things done without the little one around! Enjoy your time with your hubby!
Prayers for you, and your intentions.
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