I had the bright idea to try and use Goose's beloved Care Bear videos to bribe her to nap. As I've been whining about lately, Goose is skipping a lot of naps. Yesterday she finally took one! She slept 3.5 hours! I was so excited, I let her watch a video. So today, she asked for one again and I told her she could watch after her nap. No nap, no video. I'm not quite sure she understood the concept, but it quickly became clear when she didn't get a video since she didn't take a nap. Here's hoping it works tomorrow...
Let's talk links, shall we?
food face plates from At Second Street look like fun.
So easy, I almost feel like I should put it under "do" :>) is this
toss & catch toy from Chasing Cheerios.
Cute AND educational - I am loving this
counting felt fish game from Counting Coconuts.
Along those lines, Helping Little Hands has a very cute
greater than-less than felt alligator game, and make sure you scroll down for the link to the flannel board slash puppet theater.
There is a great roundup of
math activities at No Time For Flashcards. And a
number math game, too!
A great tutorial on
tab top panel curtains at Sew 4 Home.
Though I made a
Swiffer duster out of microfiber, I like the looks of this
reusable swiffer duster made from flannel at Sew Much Ado.
I admit I'm a sucker for things like this
on-the-go felt book found at So You Think You're Crafty.
Since I still have a bazillion tomatoes in the freezer and no good recipe, I'm eyeing these
spaghetti sauce recipes at Tipnut.
Found by a friend, I think this
vegetable fettuccine sounds GOOOOOD, from Curtis Stone.
I'm not sure if I'd prefer this method over the Christmas eggs from a couple of weeks ago, but these
fluffy scrambled eggs from the oven at Tipnut sound yummy.
This idea rocks!
spaghetti pizza at Wisdom of the Moon - I've made spaghetti pie before, but I dig the cute little individual ones.
This tutorial at Mama's Laundry Talk on
repairing elastic in cloth diapers is very well done, and not too hard for someone who is a beginner stitcher.
Tipnut lists some
health and beauty uses for baking soda.
I like the looks of these
Flip Along Fun books and there's a giveaway! And if you don't want to wait, note that there is a coupon code to take $3 off if you order one. (@ Bless Their Hearts Mom)
While I like to hand-write recipes that I give to others and I enjoy the ones I have that were written by people I love, I can see these
customizable, printable recipe cards from Skip To My Lou as being very handy when mass producing.
I'm still giggling (and I bet Emily is, too!) over this
welcome to spring post at Frugal Family Fun Blog. As Valerie says, "Tissue Paper + Pipe Cleaners + Fan = Happy Kiddo" :>)
Referencing the vegetable fettuccine recipe above, perhaps I ought to look at growing
sugar snap peas this year, thanks to these tips from Budget Saving Mom. (Though I'm not quite sure - do you shell them or eat them whole?)
I just realized this might work well for us since we rent AND have old plaster and lath walls -
how to make wallpaper decals at Apartment Therapy.
No Time For Flashcard's
homemade kids' meal is also a good idea for those of us who live way too far from drive-throughs.
I got a big kick out of this
leprechaun game at Chica and Jo. (OK, maybe it's all the candy that caught my eye, but it sure does look fun!)
Since I actually have had one request for a "featured on" button, this
make your own bloggy button on Keeping the Kingdom First caught my eye. (Seeing and doing are pretty far apart, though. :>))
Here is a
new sew method for patching jeans at Kelleigh Ratslaff Designs.
The National Catholic Register
Resources page has some good links including the
Top 100 Catholic Movies. I'm thinking I need to build up my Netflix list!
Since the month of March is devoted to St. Joseph, Shower of Roses has provided a printable
St. Joseph memory match game. St. Joseph, pray for us!
homemade word family game is a neat idea, and includes a long list of word families. I was interested to read in the comments that someone took a bit of issue with the ethics of taking paint sample strips in big quantities for things like this. The original poster noted that she has purchased quite a bit of paint from the store where she got the chips. I think this idea could be replicated on something else, though - cereal box, perhaps?
Here's one more
home management journal project from Starry Sky Ranch.
Good thoughts for this girl who is trying to
How Much Stuff Does One Man Need? at Get Rich Slowly.
More specifically, Parenting the Tiniest of Miracles has a great post on
five steps to a pared down playroom.
In a transcript of a speech he gave, Archbishop Chaput of Denver explains
The Vocation of Christians in American Public Life.
The Curious Lactivist wrote a great post on
Giving Birth in The "Office" - there were a few things that *I'd* have written differently (they didn't ask me...) but there were a lot of things that were well-portrayed. I have to admit that my favorite part was where she referred to the nursing cover as "one of those over sized `hide a hooter' bibs". That gave me a giggle.
This is an old post from In the Heart of My Home, but
On Being Intentional is something that I'd do well to re-read on an occasional-to-frequent basis. Same with
Why Bother?I looked this up to link to it elsewhere and had to share it here: Melissa Wiley wrote a post a few years ago called
Delicious and Nutritious that led to the first tugging on my heart to homeschool. It's really worth the read!
Happy clicking!