So. Links.

Samster Mommy is holding Tutu Drive 2010 to benefit the Princess Alexa Foundation. This foundation takes NEW dress up clothes and matches them with kids who are seriously ill so they can have a bit of fun & make-believe. Items can be handmade, but must be from a smoke free home and kept away from any pets you may have. (Seriously, has anybody else noticed the intense attraction between tulle and cat fur??) Anyway, it ends July 20. Thanks to Christy at Zimms Zoo for the heads up!
Cute, and easy for the little crowd, too - an Easy Garden Welcome Banner from Frugal Family Fun Blog. Scroll down to see a pic of it hanging "on location" - I love how it looks!
Flashback to elementary school with me, and check out this Paper Fortune Teller guest post by I*S*L*Y Blog at Skip to My Lou.
One of my favorite parts of this outdoor Play Tent Tutorial from 2 little hooligans is how it even uses the bags that the sheets came in.
So easy, it's almost a "do" rather than "make" - Homemade Chia Pets, a guest post by The MayFly at Skip to My Lou.
This Booster Seat Cushion Tutorial is super cute, though I admit I found myself wanting to add ties to secure it to the chair, and also to secure the child to the cushion! Goose likes to be safe, what can I say? :>) (@ Smashed Peas and Carrots)
Katie at Kitchen Stewardship is talking milk this week, specifically raw milk. You can find out What Kind of Milk Should I Buy? and I was fascinated by The Real Story of Homogenized Milk, Powdered Milk, Skim Milk, and Oxidized Cholesterol - in short, powdered nonfat milk isn't as bad as it's made out to be. Wow, I wasn't expecting that one!
It's another nail in the coffin for processed food at Kelly the Kitchen Kop, Man-Made Flavors Are Bad For Your Health.
Continuing to teach us so much about dehydrating, this week at Kitchen Stewardship, Katie covered Dehydrating Fruits, Dehydrating Vegetables, and an update on Crispy Nuts. (Since I ran short of soaked oats, I tossed some crispy nuts into my baked oatmeal recipe. I can hardly wait for tomorrow morning to try it out!)
So I'm hungry, and looking at pictures of these Pizza Pockets at Amy's Finer Things doesn't help one bit. Now I'm torn... do I make these for lunch tomorrow or do I hit the church rummage sale and get homemade Runzas there? So hard to choose.
At my house, there would be a candle involved so Mama could toast the marshmallows before making S'mores on a Stick as guest posted by Today's Creative Blog at Skip to My Lou.
I've heard of apple and pork going together before, but these Grilled Apple Pork Chops just use juice, and the magic of the grill. Hmmm. I was also intrigued by using ice in the foil packet with potatoes at that link - I always use butter, but I think I might give ice a try and see what we think.
Remember the post on sprouting grains to grind for flour? There's a link in the comments to recipes at To Your Health Sprouted Flour Company that sound interesting.
Faith & Family Live gives us 5 Ways to Soothe everyday aches and pains for little ones. And they're natural!
Grow a PINEAPPLE?? In Nebraska??? Yup. Who knew? :>)
Just looking at the pictures gives me cold fingers, but the smiles are warm while the little ones are Painting with Ice Cubes at Frugal Family Fun Blog. To make it even easier, they used some paint-with-water pages and an Aquadoodle for fun, too.
This was a {smack} why didn't I think of that? moment: The Adventures of Bear left a comment on my Keeping Toddlers Occupied in the Car post about using a piece of shelf liner for Preschool Sewing (click through to see pictures - love the mismatched PJs!).
Plow, Pluck, Pull, Repeat at Faith & Family Live presented a topic I'd never before considered - connecting field trips into Gospel lessons.
Way to go, University of Nebraska! I came across a link to this publication from UNL that, among other things, helps you compare apples to apples regarding meat (whoa, that cliche took a weird turn). Different types of meat will yield different numbers of servings per pound, so this will help make a better comparison when you're trying to determine the best buy.
There are some super suggestions for Natural Weed Control over at Kitchen Stewardship. My favorite was the cornmeal, and I'm wondering if I can grind field corn in my grain mill to use...
Trent at The Simple Dollar gives a good breakdown of Dealing with Found Cash: What's Right and What's Wrong? As usual, the comments are all over the place, and I didn't even get all the way through them...
Can't say that we ever played it when I was young, but I'm intrigued by I'm Thinking of a Word, a car trip game explained at Faith &; Family Live.
If you don't want to shell out for (or can't find) the clothespegs to store ribbon like I do, you might check out Ribbon 411 at Just a Girl.
This would sink me for sure - Uncluttering Strategy: Buy Back Your Stuff at Unclutterer. Whew.
I'll admit I e-mailed Hubs the article linked in Got Books at Faith & Family Live because "children who grow up in homes with lots of books go further in their educations than children with fewer books." Goose is SET, let me tell you...
The article Six at In the Heart of My Home provided some fun insight into the minds of six-year-olds and makes me very excited to see what the future holds for my sweet Goose.
Clicking through now to get the link brought tears to my eyes again - I don't know why I'm so moved by this beautiful rosary at Prayerful Beads, but it is truly awesome.
Happy clicking!
Interesting about the powdered milk AND the comment about grated cheese containing OC. I never would've thunk such a thing. It will definitely affect how I purchase cheese from now on because I'm big on grated cheese!
Thanks for mentioning my play tent on your site. Im off to check out the tutu post now.
Kim, where is the comment on grated cheese??? I hadn't really thought about my green can parm cheese, and I am afraid I'd fall to pieces without it... Yikes!
Have I told you lately how much I love your link roundups!! I did a lot of clicking through in my reader and just wanted to stop in and let you know how much I appreciate you sharing the things you happen across each week. Awesome stuff, as always!
Love you!
Awww... thanks so much for the link! I love the idea of the Tutu Drive -- that is amazing!! I'm off to check it out, and thanks for the heads-up!
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