Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekly Link Roundup: Cherry Pie Version

Hubs and his dad went to an air show yesterday - in Rapid City, SD. Goose and I really missed him, and my loneliness manifested itself in an attempt to make homemade cherry pie filling. I probably won't put it in a pie (unless I get brave enough to try Kim's crust recipe); it'll likely end up as a crisp/cobbler/whatever.

I really tried to hold my number of links down this week - let's see how I did!

Five Cent Nickel has a post titled "Is Personal Responsibility Dead?" (via The Simple Dollar)

I've not ever used witch hazel but find it intriguing. I was hopeful it might help with my face explosions until I learned that it does not work well with rosacea. Neither does anything else, sigh.

I thought this story on disciplining toddlers at Faith & Family Live was adorable.

The Simple Dollar has a post on the top 25 pieces of software sold via, and free equivalents for most of them.

Amy at Finer Things has a post on keeping childhood simple. I'm famous for overcomplicating pretty much everything.

Sushi is just making its way to central Nebraska, and I don't think I'll be trying it any time soon. But this candy version would be fine with me! (Mommy Knows)

Some interesting tips on making jelly and jam at Tipnut. I'm leaning towards jams as jellies just don't seem like much beyond sugar. But right now, I just mooch off my dad's stash.

I'm fascinated by marinades - somehow they make meat easier for me to deal with. Trent at The Simple Dollar has a very interesting article on marinades here. Trent also wrote an interesting post on quantity surcharges and when it does NOT make sense to buy the bigger quantity. (Just do your per-unit calculations and you'll be fine.)

My friend Sarah wrote a very intriguing post on going grain free. I don't know that I could go that far. But I do know I lost a crazy amount of weight while on a yeast elimination diet where I cut out white sugar and white flour. I know that was a much healthier way to eat . . . I think I've mentioned my willpower issues, though.

Feminine Genius has a post with a couple of links and a very brief discussion on the Archdiocese of St. Louis's statement regarding the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Annemarie posted about the Three Hail Marys devotion here. I have not been able to make the rosary a part of every one of my days, but this is definitely do-able. (I do pray it while in the car - but there are a lot of days I don't go anywhere!)

This week's wake-up from Jennifer at Conversion Diary is a post on discernment. Good stuff. Reminds me that I need to keep my ears open for the Holy Spirit's whisperings.

We use stakes (and this year, a few random markers) in our garden, but these markers found at Imagine Childhood are cute cute cute. I know they could be modified to use what you have.

This enormous outdoor chalkboard at Chasing Cheerios looks like a ton of fun! Then again, there will likely be plenty of concrete for sidewalk chalk. Then again, Papa might not appreciate art which will not soon get washed away since it'd be indoors. Melissa also has a post on homemade sidewalk chalk.

Another cute cute cute printable - ice cream cone favor holders. I'm not sure Goose will have enough birthdays (or enough friends out here on the prairie) to use all these birthday ideas . . .

I tried making bathtub fingerpaint (and crayons) a while back and it was not successful. I have high hopes for these fingerpaint recipes found on Tipnut.

This lazy susan art on Frugal Family Fun blog looks like a blast. I think we'll also be trying their homemade pinwheels.

Lori at A Frugally Old-Fashioned Homemaker posted on her homemade reusable sandwich bags. I agree with her - they'll be useful for more things than the sandwich wraps that I've seen around the 'net.

Extraordinary Mommy writes here about a friend finding a picture of her family being used as an advertisement in the Czech Republic! Makes you think twice about what you post on your blog!


Lori said...

I was just reading this when you commented on my blog! :) I've gotcha in my Google reader.
Thanks and Happy Sunday to ya! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, that picture stealing thing is creepy. I can't believe that happened! What a world!

Angela said...

I am a big fan of Witch Hazel, I use it every day on my face for acne issues, and it's great for sunburns too. I've never thought about using it for bug bites and diaper rashes though, good to know.

And yes, that stealing picture thing IS creepy!