I am thinking... that I don't know how to help Goose get enough sleep. Even with an early bedtime, it doesn't seem to be enough.
I am thankful for... my new craft area. I still have a ways to go to finish it, but it's come together nicely. And also a special blog friend that sent something for Goose. I will come up with a way to repay you! I was very moved by your thoughtfulness and Goose is going to love it. But that was a given. :>)
From the learning rooms... I've been thinking it's time to dig out my 1968 copy of Teaching Montessori in the Home: Pre-School Years
From the kitchen... I made this cheesburger meatloaf recipe from Money Saving Mom and it was probably the best meatloaf I've ever made, and close to the best meatloaf I've ever eaten! (and that's saying a lot!) Even Goose liked it! Instead of chili or BBQ sauce, I made my own. For two pans (I doubled the recipe), I used about a cup and a half of ketchup, around 2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, a teaspoon of liquid smoke, and a teaspoon of garlic powder. Approximately - I didn't measure. I also baked potatoes, which I haven't done in a really long time.
I am wearing... stretchy pants again (I really need to go pants shopping, in my defense!) and I improved upon last week's haircut by coloring my grey spot. My mom and her older sister both started going grey in the same place, so I should have known my destiny. Theirs didn't show up until 40+, though, and mine started when I turned 30. I blame Hubs. :>)
I am creating... an enlarged plat map of half of our county. It sounds really dull, I know, but it'll be really helpful. We love to go visit Papa in the tractor and this will help us find him more easily. He can tell me that he's at the Hawe place, and I can find it on my new map (since he doesn't know which roads it's on, he just knows the way there. And can't articulate it.)
I am pondering... how quickly little ones grow. I've read that motherhood is short years made up of very long days and am discovering how true that is. Goose loves to point out her bumbo seat in the storage room and declare that it's for "a little tiny goose!" And my heart constricts a little every time.
I am reading... the same things as last week. I need to make more time for reading paper books, less on the screen.
I am hoping... for a special intention. And blessed with the grace to know that God is in charge.
I am hearing... not much. Goose went to bed early, and wasn't very happy about it but seems to have settled down. Hubs is downstairs. Cats are sleeping, saving up energy for later, I'm sure.
Around the house... I need to pick up. I've been trying to make it part of Goose's bedtime routine so she helps, but nights like tonight I'd rather she get to bed.
One of my favorite things... eating a bowl of popcorn and watching Dog the Bounty Hunter. Hubs got me hooked several months ago and now I actually look forward to it!
A few plans for the rest of the week... perhaps a trip to the "city" to try and get a bucket to store my wheat. One of Hubs's friends brought me a BUNCH, though it's not as clean as I'd like. I'd really like to start using the grain mill I got for Christmas already! Bible study tomorrow, though it'll be cutting it close to Goose's bedtime if she doesn't nap (sigh), and Stations of the Cross on Thursday. Goose's birthday is next week (St. Patrick's Day) and I need to get to planning for it.
You can read LOTS more Daybook posts here.
I couldn't see the scratch in the little picture - OK, soooooooooo, now can I have her come live with me so we can have chocolate pudding for breakfast AND watch Care Bears ALL THE TIME?????
ReplyDeleteLove Mom
I think the map you're making is a wonderful idea! I love having a spot for my crafty projects. A place for everything and everything in its place...it really does help! Happy Birthday to your little one! Have a blessed week:)