Monday, May 31, 2010

Link Roundup - Some Gave All Edition

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who are serving our country in places near and far, those who have served our country, those who have paid the ultimate price for our country, and the family members of each of these. Without them, our country would not be the incredible land of opportunity that it is. At the bottom, I'll paste in a poem I read on Facebook that I thought was quite moving.

Love this Beautiful City Silhouette Painting at Frugal Family Fun Blog!

I actually e-mailed the link for this Planter's Yardstick from Martha Steward to my dad, who would be far more likely to buzz one of these up for me than Hubs. :>) Though I think I'd try to add some markers for depth so you could tell how far you pushed it in the dirt to make your furrow.

Urgh, I just finished searching all over God's creation to find a pair of nice anklets for Goose to wear as "church socks" and now I find this tutorial for Ribbon Socks from I Can Find The Time - and these are way cuter and customizable!

More Quiet Book Pages from Leafy Treetop Spot.

This Make Your Own Water Table from Fireflies and Jellybeans got me to thinking... why couldn't I make my own Sand and Water Table? I started poking around Amazon, and found a comment on one that said they wished both sides had a drain instead of just the water side. So I asked Hubs to look "out in the trees" (which is where junk ends up on the farm) to see if there's an old kitchen sink there that we could put to use. If it works out, I'll post about it!

How do I love mozzarella sticks... let me count the ways! Except these are made with yummy panko bread crumbs, and I find myself wondering how they'd bake. (From The Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen site)

Here's a recipe for Homemade Mexican Style Veggie Burgers from true adventures in money hacking.

These Buttery Bread Machine Rolls from Positively Splendid were introduced as "Sister Schubert Rolls" and if they're even just half as good as the Sister's, they'll be splendid!

Here's another enchilada sauce recipe from Cooking Mexican Recipes, and I'll admit I'm kind of surprised that it uses a base of chicken broth instead of tomato sauce. Hmm.

This sort of thing always makes me wish I lived closer to a Walgreen's, CVS, or Rite-Aid: Money Saving Mom explains How to Play the Drugstore Game.

While this Bathroom Cleaning Checklist for Kids at A Slob Comes Clean is a super idea for kids, it is also a super idea for moms who feel like they don't know where to start sometimes. (ahem.)

I was trying to search around for this post last time Goose had the stomach flu and couldn't remember where I'd seen it. Michele at Frugal Granola is the one to tell us about the healing properties of Coconut Water (also known as Coconut Juice).

Donielle from Naturally Knocked Up wrote a guest post for Amy's Finer Things telling us to Eat Real Food in Amy's "Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me?" series on pregnancy.

This Homemade Bleach Scrub is for those of you like my mom who have a white kitchen sink. (A Homemade Mamas)

I would estimate that nearly all the problems I had to help employees work out when I was in Human Resources could be traced back to The Cost of Negativity. I seriously wish I'd have had this post to hand out way back then. (@ The Simple Dollar)

Two Symbols Stand Above the Ground by Charlie Hornick

I took a stroll on Memorial Day
Through fields of graves where soldiers lay
Their souls at rest, their voices still -
Their names in stone, their deaths were real.
Two symbols stood above the ground
To speak for them who make no sound.
Messages they give are loud and clear;
Listen to those who are lying here.

The first I saw - the flag that waved;
The other was the cross engraved.
The red stripes stand for lives they gave,
Our home land for the free, the brave.
One cannot miss the white, the blue,
Reminding us what we’re to do.
So proudly they wave our flag on their chest,
And for what they gave, America’s blest.

Most, not all, have a cross in their stone,
Telling us of hope for another home.
The cross declares the price Christ paid
Prepared a place for the free, the brave.
And we must not miss His way is true,
Who lives again beyond the blue.
Two symbols stand above the ground
And speak for those who make no sound.
Happy clicking!


  1. I always enjoy your link roundup. Thanks. :)

  2. Hi Lenetta, this is Kathryn from I Can Find The Time. Thank you for featuring my Ribbon Socks tutorial! I'm glad you liked them!

  3. Thanks Lenetta for linking my quiet book pages to your site. I have enjoyed looking around your blog.



  4. I so appreciate you including me in your roundup! Thanks so much!


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