Sunday, March 21, 2010

Link Roundup - SPRING Edition

It was a gorgeous day here today! Goose took a short but much needed nap (this time, the bribe was Ms - M&Ms - and she was threatened with "Mama will eat your Ms if you don't take a nap!") and then we played outside, hung out a load of laundry, and did a bit of garden prep. I think this is going to be the best summer yet! Even though my insomnia has taken a turn for the worse lately, it was still an awesome day.

Let's keep the happy thoughts going with some clicking around, shall we?

Holy cow, check out these Geode Easter Eggs for kids - love them! (@ those northern skies)

Monkey Sew, Monkey Do has a tutorial on how to Make Your Own Moby Wrap, which isn't as hard as you might think!

Also a "holy cow" - check out the Mini Mei Tai tutorial at Owlet Designs.

Bear Hugs Baby has a post on Make Your Own Easy Bake Recipes, and it's nice that they use "real" ingredients, too.

I've heard such good things about Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day, and Melissa Wiley's Dough Business post is no exception.

Katie at Kitchen Stewardship is discussing The Health Benefits of Sprouting.

Not only does Katie's recipe for Hearty Lentil Stew sound yummy, I love her tradition of preparing it on Ash Wednesday and then freezing the rest for Good Friday.

It's a proven fact that Parmesan cheese makes everything better, and I have no doubt that it's also true for this Roasted Cauliflower at Lynn's Kitchen Adventures.

I'm kind of glad I didn't find this until after Goose's birthday 'cause I'd have been tempted to switch her cake to these Homemade Fruit Fun-Fetti Cupcakes from scrumdilly-do!

This is a very fun post from Katie at Kitchen Stewardship - Want Traditional Food? Read "Little House" Books. Great points!

Gingerbread Snowflakes is coloring Easter eggs with Kool-Aid - how fun!

Along those lines, do stuff! is dying yarn with Kool-Aid in the crock pot.

Making it Lovely has some really good DIY Painting Tips, Tricks, and a Step-By-Step Guide, with thanks to Amy at Finer Things for pointing it out.

Though Goose has a ton of books already, I love posts like this one from Jessica at Shower of Roses on their favorite Picture Books for Easter.

My biggest downfall to something like Trent's Idea Notebook is that I don't always have a pocket to keep it in. :>) (@ The Simple Dollar) But I could really use something to help me remember things, so I might need to look at adapting it...

I thought there was a good deal of wisdom in Are We Raising "Soft Kids"? Why Sports Are Non-Negotiable In My Family at words from cana. I think there is a lot that can be learned from sports, but there is a fine line between participation and over-scheduling. There is also a follow-up post.

There is a LOT of info popping up on the 'net this week about Post Partum Depression, an issue that is near and dear to my heart in many ways. Blessed Among Men writes of A Better Way, discussing progesterone therapy. Faith & Family Live has a post on Beat The Baby Blues. Elizabeth Foss has some Quick Answers on what works for her. Kate Wicker at Momopoly has More Thoughts on Postpartum Depression. I haven't listened to it yet, but there is also a podcast at Faith & Family Live on Baby Blues and Blessing.

And regarding motherhood, this piece on What Is it With Me and Carseats? is very moving.

My own Lenten journey hasn't been what I expected it to be, and Katie at Kitchen Stewardship was just in time with her piece On Sacrifice and Suffering.

Happy clicking!


  1. Hi there!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing the link to it on your weekly roundup!
    I am enjoying going through your list of links and checking everything out. I just love all the amazing blogs out there!

  2. what a fun list! thank you for including the fun-fetti cakes! happy happy!

  3. Thanks for including me in your round-up.

    I have to know where in Nebraska you are from - I grew up in Northwestern Kansas not far from Alma, NE - only an hour from Kearney.


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