Thursday, November 26, 2009

Link Roundup, Sew, Mama, Sew Scrap Buster Edition

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I am full of Grandma J's mashed potatoes and homemade noodles and I can now go on. (Yes, it is that good.) I'm listening to Goose honk away over the monitor and watching a lousy but amusing movie with Hubs but I don't expect him to be awake much longer. Good times.

As I mentioned, I ended up digging through Sew, Mama, Sew's October Scrap Buster projects. LOTS of great stuff there! Here are my favorites (in some sort of alphabetical order as they ended up in the favorites folder) -

Bilbified - floral brooch

Bits and Pieces - bookmarks (there's another fabric bookmark here and another at 7 Layer Studio, and one more here)

Chez Beeper Bebe - plush alphabet

Coloured Buttons - three wise owls

craftytammy - catnip mice

cute little piggytoes - scrappy gift bag

Detail - quilted coasters

Elizabeth's Fabric Focus on Sew, Mama, Sew! - quick-piece tiny squares

Give it a Go - state outline luggage tags

Homegrown Happy - Baby's Soft Book of Colors

Hold On Tight - finger puppets

JCasa *handmade - hairkerchief

Keeping Up With the Jameses - onesie dress

Linaloo - patchwork star

Mairuru - patchwork string

mynewtherapy - fabric covered clothespins

Neuroses Galore - baby doll cloth diaper

Obsessively Stitching - I-Spy fabric scrap cards

Old Days, Old Ways - tiny quiet quilt

One Inch World - scrappy shapes for felt boards

Pleasant Home - dish towel embellishment

Projects at Sew, Mama, Sew - bean bags, fabric balls, and tag blankets (though you can see my tag blankets here and my crinkle taggie toys here)

sew joy - scrap nest

stephjacobsen - fabric strip burp cloth

Stitch/Craft - scrappy color book

Vintage Sheet - travel purse

Well, by the time I was able to finish this post, Goose ended up not taking her nap, we dropped her Papa at the airport (he only flew in for the day, Goose and I drove yesterday), I left Goose with Grandma, and drove home myself. Whew. Tomorrow is a big day, our Altar Society is having a fundraiser and we'll be wrapping people's Black Friday gifts and selling soup and pie at the craft fair in the next town over. Should be a good time. But I miss my Honker already!! Hope this finds everyone well after a day of giving thanks - I sure am thankful for all of YOU! Happy clicking!


  1. Well, I am very thankful that I've gotten to know you!

    I love the baby doll cloth diaper, I might have to try that one! Isabella is obsessed with baby dolls.

  2. Thanks for including my tutorial in this great list of projects!

  3. Thanks for linking to my blog! I enjoyed reading about your Thanksgiving weekend, it sounds like you all had a great time!

  4. Thanks for including me! Your site is great, I'm bookmarking it!

  5. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!


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