Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ah, Summer

Eating your weight in watermelon. The only thing that could be better would be enough sunshine to eat said watermelon at a lake where you could swim the sticky juice away afterwards. Poor Goose, Hubs and I both enjoy watermelon but not to the point where we've bought it very often. This summer will be different! She's almost single-handedly eaten her way through a 16 pounder.

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  1. Nothing screams summer like sticky watermelon fingers :)

    Cute picture!

  2. Oh, yum! I Have yet to have watermelon this year. Love it!

  3. My entire family loves watermelon except me. I have never liked it. I am strange, I know.

    Watermelon is a very popular item at the farm. They just fly off the shelves there.

    I think I am the only one in the world who doesn't like them.

  4. The sticky ones are the best ones. :)

  5. Mmmm. Glad she likes it. Nothing says summer like a crisp, cool watermelon!


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